Canadian model buses & passenger trains
Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Flat rate shipping: BC / AB / SK: $20; Rest of Canada $25
Shipping to USA - $24 flat rate
GST/HST charged on all items shipped within Canada, USA is tax EXEMPT

Our projects - Currently in progress
Most of our projects are complete recreations or accurate historical reproductions of fallen flag carriers at the craftsman level, but others are modifications to factory runs produced by Iconic Replicas. The Flagstop Tech Team is extremely detail oriented, so when a factory run comes out, we will not "STUFF AND SHIP" a bus if we feel it has errors or deficiencies. We make the necessary modifications before shipping them out to you. Unfortunately, this can result in delays - we appreciate your patience. At this time, we are still SEVERELY backed up.
Flagstop is always adding new projects - here is an overview of what' we are currently juggling in the queue:
ETA: in progress
Maverick Coach Lines - 4 Sisters
This is the first of three Maverick Coach Lines (MCL) MC-9 projects. The "4 sisters" were purchased new by MCL and were numbered #729 to #732. Distinguishing features include the Maverick horns on the front of the coaches.
Artwork and graphics are complete along with minor modifications (white rims). Our first units are in progress of being completed now and shipping soon.
Price $79.95 CAD, reservations are still being accepted.

ETA: In progress
Maverick Coach Lines - #758
The second MC-9 project is Maverick Coach Lines (MCL) unit #758. This coach was purchased from Frontier Coach Lines (unit# 731) and subsequently renumbered into the MCL fleet as unit #758. Distinguishing features include a black "M C L" band between the front signal lights. Unit# 764 is shown, however this coach is identical to unit #758.
Status: The revision required to black "M C L" front band is now complete. This bus is in progress.
Price $79.95 CAD, Reservations are still being accepted
ETA: In Progress
Maverick Coach Lines #759
Our third MC-9 project is Maverick Coach Lines (MCL) unit #759. This coach was purchased used from Ambassador Coach lines and was a favourite to drive among MCL drivers.
Distinguishing features include the black 'M C L" band on the front.
Status: The MCL black band is revision is now completed. This bus is now in progress.
Price $79.95 CAD, Reservations are still being accepted

Custom run
Canadian Forces J4500
The Canadian Forces J4500 Highway Cruiser has been held back - our supply of 1:87 J4500's require modifications.
Status: All artwork is complete - Our first prototype is shown, reservations are still being accepted.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom Run
ETA: In progress
Canadian Forces MC-9
"The Pickle"
The Canadian Forces MC-9 is currently in progress and expected to be complete by late December 2023.
Status: All artwork has been completed.
Reservations are still being accepted
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom Run
ETA: In progress
EX - Canadian Forces MC-9
South Mountain Stagecoach
The South Mountain project is a custom order. Units will also be available in late December 2023.
Status: The artwork is now complete.
Contact us if you are interested in this version
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom Run
ETA: In progress
Quick Coach Lines - QUICK Charter MC-9
The QUICK Charter project is one of two QUICK variants. The QUICK Charter artwork has gone back for revisions. Fleet numbers will be made available once we are able to move forward. Contact us to reserve.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom Run
ETA: In progress
Quick Coach Lines - QUICK Shuttle MC-9
The QUICK Shuttle project is the second of two QUICK variants. This was the most common version. The QUICK Shuttle artwork has gone back for revision. Fleet numbers will be made available once we are able to move forward. Reservations are still being taken.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
CN Roadcruiser MC-9
The factory run of Canadian National Roadcruiser MC-9's are being modified with the following: Correct unit numbers based off the prototypes CN#33 to CN#56, excluding CN#55 (wheelchair door on side). and corrected or modified destination boards (including PORT AUX BASQUES, GRAND FALLS, and others).
Status: All PRE-ORDERED units have been completed. Contact us if you are interested in modified unit.​
Price: $59.95

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
TerraTransport MC-9
The TerraTransport (ex-CN) MC-9's have been modified with the following: TerraTransport patch, correct unit numbers based off the prototypes TT#33 to TT#56, excluding TT#55 (it had a wheelchair door) and corrected or modified destination boards (including PORT AUX BASQUES, GRAND FALLS and others).
Status: All pre-ordered units have been completed.
Price: TerraTransport conversion units are $69.95 CAD.
Quantity is extremely limited.​

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
Gray Coach MC-9
Our Gray Coach MC-9's are only being modified to replace the incorrect factory installed white rims with the correct silver rims. We are also doing some re-numbering of units for customers who wanted multiple number units top build a fleet of Gray Coach MC-9's.
Status: Our artwork is now complete. Contact us to order your corrected Gray Coach MC-9 and fleet numbers.​
This is a no charge modification / correction
Price: $54.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
Grey Goose MC-7
Our "Goose" MC-7's are only being modified to replace the incorrect factory destination boards and also applying custom destinations including BRANDON, GIMLI, PINE FALLS, FT FRANCES, and others.
We are also doing some re-numbering of units for customers who wanted a fleet of different unit#s.
Status: All artwork is complete - Contact us to order your corrected Goose. Quantities are limited.​
Price $59.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
Grey Goose MC-12
Our "Goose" MC-12's are only being modified to replace the factory destination boards and also applying custom destinations including BRANDON, GIMLI, PINE FALLS, FT FRANCES, and others. We are re-numbering of units for customers who wanted a fleet of different coach #s.
Status: All artwork is complete - Contact us to order your modified Goose. Quanties are limited.​
Price $59.95 CAD

Custom modification
STC PD4107
Our Saskatchewan Transportation Company PD4107's are being modified: Correct unit numbers #901-904 on front cap and rear of coach, corrected Transport Canada mandated Railway crossing sign on back of coach between rear signal lights. Our existing destination boards for the MC-7's, PD4104's and MC-9's will not fit the PD4107's; we had to create new boards.
Status: All STC PD4107's that were ordered have been delivered, we have only a couple corrected units left. Please contact us for availability.
Price $59.95 CAD

Custom modification
Voyageur PD-4107
Voyageur PD4107's had unit numbers to #2200-2215, and #2230 - 2254. We completed a modification and renumber our coaches to # 2215. The PD4107's typically had "Voyageur" lettering on the back of the coach with the unit number placed above. Our modified unit is on the left.
Status: The artwork has been completed, all ordered units have been delivered. Contact us to order your corrected coach.
Price: $59.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: In progress
Canada Coach Lines PD4104
We are making modifications to the Iconic Replicas factory run for Canada Coach Lines PD4104's. We are only customizing a fleet of coaches with every number that Canada Coach Lines owned, including custom destinations, for one customer. Unfortunately no other units will be available for sale - this run is sold out.
Status: All artwork has been completed. This is a no charge modification / correction:
Price: $54.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: In progress
Canada Coach Lines MC-9
We are making modifications to the Iconic Replicas factory run for Canada Coach Lines MC-9s. We are only customizing a fleet of coaches with every number that Canada Coach Lines owned, including custom destinations, for one customer. Only a few other units are available - this run is almost sold out.
Status: All artwork has been completed. This is a no charge modification / correction:
Price: $54.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: Completed
U.S. Air Force Ambulance bus
We are producing a custom Flxible transit bus (based on the photo) for the U.S, Air Force on an Iconic Replicas coach.
Status: This custom artwork is now completed, but we are now adding a RED CROSS to the front and rear of the bus. Please contact us to order your unit.
Price $69.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Acadian Lines PD4104
We are producing a custom run Acadian Lines PD4104, unit's # 101, 102 and 103.
Status: The artwork is complete - the light blue stripe on the roof and application of graphics is in progress being modified and fine-tuned.
ETA: Spring 2024
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
We are producing a custom run Saskatchewan Transportation Company MC-7, STC # 706
Status: This artwork is complete - this project is only in the queue awaiting painting to match the Iconic Replicas STC PD4107. We also have to modify the red stripe on the roof.
ETA: Spring 2024
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom modification
ETA: Completed
We are producing a modified run to convert Iconic Replicas Gray Line Sightseeing MC-7's (87-0257) into a Brewster Gray Line MC-7 unit #90 to #95 (unit #94 is shown).
Status: All graphics have been completed- including the sky view roof windows. Expected late December 2023. Contact us to order your unit. Banff is the most popular destination. Quantities are extremely limited.
Price: $79.95 CAD
Custom modification
ETA: In progress

Greyhound Canada (GLOC) MC-7
We are producing a modified run to convert and correct the first Iconic Replicas Greyhound MC-7's (87-0183) into a Greyhound Lines of Canada (GLOC) MC-7. Features: correct white rims, blackened middle window frames, renumbering with correct GLOC fleet numbers, and application of our gorgeous Greyhound Maple Leafs and corrected "SUPER7" graphics. You can pick your custom destination and fleet number.
Status: We just need to remove the GLI legals and replace with correct GLOC legals.
Price: $69.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
STC D4505's (Horizontal yellow)
Our custom run of Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) D4505's is in progress.
Status: This artwork is being redone. We had devoted time to full graphics to do an entire bus wrap, however we are going "old school" and painting the coach then applying our vinyl graphics - the same way the original buses were done in the STC paint shop. On September 24, 2022, we obtained the correct green and yellow paint. Release date is TBD.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
STC D4505's (Incline yellow)
Our custom run of Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) D4505's is in progress.
Status: This artwork is in progress. Initially the coaches were to be "a graphics wrap", however we are going "old school" by painting the coach then applying our vinyl graphics - the same way the original buses were done in the STC paint shop. We matched the STC paint based off paint chips from an STC D4000.
Release date is TBD.
Price $79.95 CAD

Factory run correction
ETA: In progress
OC Transpo XE-40 (Ottawa)
Many of the factory run units ONLY had issues with graphics on the back of the buses. We are looking at designing a "correction" patch for the back of these buses to apply over the factory installed rear grills.
Status: The correction artwork is only in initial development.

Factory run fix
Railway crossing sign
Various factory runs
We are producing a correction sign for various factory runs that had this sign or others with errors / deficiencies
Status: This artwork is now complete; the corrected signs have been applied to all affected coaches. This is a no charge correction.
Custom modification
ETA: Completed
Greyhound Canada #758 MC-9
We have applied our gorgeous forward facing custom Greyhound Lines of Canada (GLOC) maple leaf's on the front door and underneath the drivers window to create a double leaf unit as shown. You can pick your custom requested destination on fleet# 758. This is the only confirmed double leaf GLOC unit, although there are others that were done in this scheme.
Status: Please contact us to order (see "SHOP").
Price $69.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
STC MC-9 (Green / yellow)
Our custom run of Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) MC-9's is in progress.
Status: We are combining the STC MC-9 project with the STC D4505 project listed above. Contact us to reserve.
Release date is TBD.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
STC MC-9 (Red band)
Our custom run of these Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) MC-9's HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
NOTE: Although this version was an interim scheme, it was too obscure, we are focusing on other projects at this time.
ETA: Project has been dropped due to lack of interest.

Custom run
ETA: In progress
STC MC-9 (Red / Tan)
Our custom run of Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) MC-9's is in progress.
Status: This artwork is in progress.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Coachways PD4104
Our custom run of PD4104's is in progress.
Status: This artwork has to be redone due to new information being provided on this obscure coach and scheme. Special thanks author Brian Grams for his assistance on this project.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Coachways PD4107
Our custom run of Canadian Coachways PD4107's is in progress.
Status: This artwork will be done at the same time as the Canadian Coachways PD4104.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Our custom run of Vancouver Island Coach Lines PD4104's is in progress.
Status: This project has become our most expensive and time consuming to develop. The artwork is now in our graphics design queue.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Trentway Bus Lines PD4104
Our custom run of Trentway PD4104's is in progress.
Status: Our artwork has to be redone due to improvements in our processes.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Pacific Coach Lines (PCL) MC-9
We will not start work on this project until all other custom runs have been completed. We will feature an
MC-9 with a bi-fold door since PCL purchased and operated former Gray Coach units.
Status: on hold
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Pacific Coach Lines (PCL) MC-9
We will not start work on this project until all other custom runs have been completed. We will feature an
MC-9 with a regular door.
Status: on hold
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Pacific Coach Lines (PCL) MC-7
Our previous PCL MC-7 custom run was completed in October 2020 and quickly sold out. Extra customization is required for the MC-7 model which includes added simulated skid strips for exiting BC Ferries ships.
Status: On hold due to to clear other custom runs first
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Ontario Northland (ONTC) MC-9
Ontario Northland purchased a number of former Go Transit MC-9's with bi-fold doors. We have the fleet numbers and are only searching for photos of these units.
Status: On hold pending further research.
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Ontario Northland (ONTC) MC-7
Ontario Northland operated a number of MC-7's which were repainted into the livery shown here. We will do this run the same time as we do the ONTC MC-9 run. A very limited number of MC-7 units are being planned. Photo credit to Kevin Nicol.
Status: On hold
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: In progress
Ontario Northland (ONTC) MC-7
Ontario Northland operated "Sleeper Service" MC-7's. The unit shown was not lettered for this service. At this time we are only focused on producing this scheme.
Status: In progress
Price $79.95 CAD

Custom run
ETA: On hold
Ontario Northland (ONTC) J4500, X3-45 and H3-45
Ontario Northland operates a large fleet of various coaches. Previous factory runs have been produced by Iconic Replicas for the D4505.
Status: ON HOLD

Custom HO maintenance / engineering hi-rail trucks
ETA: In progress
International 4300 Quad cab truck
Our custom run of modified International 4300 series trucks are in progress. The cab on this truck has not been attached to the frame - it is still not complete.
Status: Availability of the hi-rail accessories is limited and on back order.

Custom HO maintenance / engineering hi-rail trucks
ETA: In progress
International 4300 Quad cab truck
Our custom run of modified International 4300 series trucks are in progress. The cab on this truck has not been attached to the frame - it is still not complete.
Status: Availability of the hi-rail accessories is limited and on back order.

Custom run
ETA: Pending
1:50 scale Corgi MCI 102DL3
We have approximately 25 CORGI 102DL3's that have been set aside as part of a special project.
The first 10 units will feature the Saskatchewan Transportation Company Green/yellow scheme will be produced, Further units and liveries are TBD.
Development is ongoing - we are also working with Bill at Hubtronics to install units with full lights and sound.